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Eleven Tigers Herbal Bar 20g

Eleven Tigers Herbal Bar 20g

Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 USD
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Eleven Tigers Herbal Bar 20g
ยาแผ่นตราเสือ 11 ตัว สำหรับดองเหล้าสูตร 11
Dried herbal bar “11 Tigers” is a biologically active supplement made from various herbs of South-East Asia. Leaves, roots, flowers, and berries carefully mixed following ancient formula that was handed down from generation to generation of practitioners Thai traditional medicine. Thai people prepare herbal liquor (“Ya Dong” in the Thai language) during centuries. The herbal formula “11 Tigers” is the most popular and safe nowadays. It sold in pharmacies and department stores in Thailand registered and checked for compliance with the FDA: registration number G4/49, class “Thai traditional medicine”.

When taken in appropriate dosage it assists to maintain overall body tone, reduces fatigues symptoms, helps against weakness and erectile dysfunction. It also has properties to “clean” blood and improves blood circulation. Women take it while the postpartum period for more quick restoration, and also to reduce period pains.
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